Author Academy Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Participant's Name *FirstLastDate of Birth *Your Email *Name of School You Attend *What city and state do you reside in? *Ex: Chicago, ILLanguage(s) Spoken *Parent or Guardian Name *FirstLastSecond Parent or GuardianFirstLastParent or Guardian Email *Parent or Guardian Phone Number *Please inform us of any clubs, committees, teams, or groups you are a part of and if you hold any titles. *Don't worry if you don't have any. Just list "none."What social media sites (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) are you active on? *If you don't use social media, please write "none."Please list any of your other interests or hobbies. *Why do you want to join Ambition Crush? *1-2 sentences.Tell us about your favorite book or movie. What makes it so great? *Give us your genuine thoughts and opinions in 1-2 paragraphs.Can you commit to the minimum requirements to participate in our Entrepreneurship program? *I understand that I will be expected to regularly attend our digital and in-person sessions.I understand that I may be removed from the program if I fail to attend 3 meetings.We know you're busy. Our meetings take place on Zoom and in-person on Saturdays, typically between 10am-2pm. How did you hear about Ambition Crush?Do you have any questions or comments or concerns?Submit