We’re reading fanatics over here!

Ambition Crush Book Club is for girls ages 13-16 who enjoy reading – and doing creative things, like drawing or writing.

Do you have a daughter who loves to read, too? You can request to join below! We’re excited to get to know you.

Most meetings take place in person in Chandler, Tempe, or Phoenix. However, we may meet up online sometimes!

More details coming soon. 

I’ve always loved reading. And now I have a daughter who is just as obsessed with books.

I decided to start the book club as a way for girls like my daughter to connect with other girls who want to share their love of books.

2024 Reading List

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

Invisible Son by Kim Johnson

The Wicked King by Holly Black

Have a Book Recommendation?

Some book genre’s we love:

Fantasy, YA, Coming of Age, YA Fiction, and Nonfiction.

Use our contact form to recommend a book! 

About Us

Ambition Crush is a nonprofit organization that provides girls with the opportunity to gain leadership, communication, critical thinking skills, as well as empower them with greater emotional intelligence.

We’re striving to create a generation of young women that become can speak up for themselves, advocate for what they believe in, and become leaders and changemakers in this ever evolving world. We’re determined to see a world in which women, in particular black women, continue to break barriers, ushering us all into a better future. We’re here to forge alliances and a sisterhood so strong that every young woman has such a positive experience, that they become a life long member.